Trend compilation: All backrooms on Google Maps

Just Google Street View: The first and most famous backroom place was in Japan, here: 34°42’03.5″N 135°49’16.6″E The image was deleted, but uploaded by another user in the US:,-88.5374927,3a,75y,14.79h,85.25t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipM6LemOQp2_nNJULYAV_Ya8ClXtlD2MRwYBrdwL!2e10!3e11!!7i3840!8i1920?hl=en-US Changes of the image in 34°42’03.5″N 135°49’16.6″E (when this post was published, they were all deleted): First image: After this one got deleted too, thereContinue reading “Trend compilation: All backrooms on Google Maps”

A cursed place

This was the place where a serial killer brought what was left from his victims, after feeding their hearts to his dog. This article explains more and shows the bags with the dead bodies. Luckily, the serial killer was arrested. This is the Google Maps Link, so you can explore it yourself:,-98.9949147,3a,74.2y,59.89h,78.14t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s_h-VjBXoIOwjv909znjxSg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192