Trend compilation: All backrooms on Google Maps

Just Google Street View: The first and most famous backroom place was in Japan, here: 34°42’03.5″N 135°49’16.6″E The image was deleted, but uploaded by another user in the US:,-88.5374927,3a,75y,14.79h,85.25t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipM6LemOQp2_nNJULYAV_Ya8ClXtlD2MRwYBrdwL!2e10!3e11!!7i3840!8i1920?hl=en-US Changes of the image in 34°42’03.5″N 135°49’16.6″E (when this post was published, they were all deleted): First image: After this one got deleted too, thereContinue reading “Trend compilation: All backrooms on Google Maps”